DOCTOR WHO, 10.10 – “The Eaters of Light” (TV Review)

BBC One – 7:35pm – Saturday 17th June 2017

Written by: Rona Munro

Directed by: Charles Palmer



It strains credulity to belief it has taken this long, but with episode 10.10, screenwriter Rona Munro became the first person to scribe an episode of the original ‘classic’ series (1989’s concluding “Survival” serial) and new Who. The oldest adventure I have seen in its entirity is the 1996 TV Movie (which I reviewed HERE), so I have no context for how “The Eaters of Light” compares to Munro’s earlier in-universe effort, but to the casual fan last Saturday’s romp in time was pretty much business as usual for the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and his cohorts.

… Keep Scuttling!

DOCTOR WHO, 10.5 – “Oxygen” (TV Review)

BBC One – 7:15pm – Saturday 13th May 2017

Written by: Jamie Mathieson

Directed by: Charles Palmer



“Can you imagine how unbearable I’ll be when I get us out of this?”

Infuriated that his employer is reneging on his vow to stay at the university and guard the vault, an admonishing Nardole (Matt Lucas) piggybacks on the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Bill’s (Pearl Mackie) answering of a distress call on a space station which mines copper ore in the final frontier. On board, the trio come face-to-face with a contingent of zombie-nauts – 36 dead members of the 40-strong crew whose walking corpses are automated by their SmartSuits.

… Keep Scuttling!